
来源:网络 作者:赤血鬼瞳 0



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声誉兵器(同盟-群落): 18825-18826盾 18827-18828斧 18830-18831双手斧 18833-18835弓 18836-18837弩 18838-18840匕首 18843-18844主手拳套 18847-18848副手拳套 18855-18860枪 18865-18866单手锤 18867-18868双手锤, 18869-18871长柄 18873-18874法仗 18876-18877双手剑

声誉勋章(群落-同盟): 18846-18856猎人 18834-18854兵士 18849-18857响马 18850-18859法师 18851-18862牧师 18852-18858方士 18853-18863患上鲁伊 18845萨满 18864圣骑士

元帅套装 元帅猎装16462-16463 16465-16468 元帅魔装17578-17581 17583-17584 元帅德装16448-16452 16459 元帅制服16446 16453-16457 元帅袈裟16437 16440-16444 元帅佑护16471-16476 元帅战甲16477-16480 16483-16484 元帅神服17602-17605 17607 17608 督军魔装17586 17588 17590-17593 督军袈裟16533-16536 16539-16540 督军战甲16541-16545 16548 督军圣装16549 16550-16552 16554-16555 督军制服16558 16560-16564 督军猎装16565-16569 16571 督军摇撼16573-16574 16577-16580 督军神服17618 17620 17622-17625

今朝所有的橙色物品代码 橙色物品 17182 17203 17771 17782 18563 18564 18565 18566 19016 19017

徽章 11364狂风城徽章 19031雪狼蓝色徽章 19032雪狼红色徽章 16832,16905~16911//响马衣.血牙 16818,16912~16918//法师衣.灵风 16919~16926//牧师衣.卓然 16927~16934//方士衣.报仇 16935~16942//猎人.驭龙者 16943~16950//萨满.无尽的风暴 16951~16958//圣骑士.审讯 16959~16966//兵士.愤慨

传说中的7种兵器 [item 647]=运气 [item 12592]=沙赫拉姆黑剑 [item 1728]=提布的炽炎长剑 [item 13937]=院长之杖 [item 13505]=瑞文戴尔之剑 [item 10847]=龙之理睬呼唤


一些正确的设备 [item 13246]=Argent Avenger(副手) [item 13937]=Typhoon(一把双手剑) [item 2243]=Hand of Edward the Odd(听说是PAL的极品小斧锤) [item 13964]=Witchblade(正确的匕首) [item 12582]=Keris of Zul’’Serak(同上) [item 11808]=Circle of Flame(法师戴上会发上指冠呵呵) [item 944]=Elemental Mage Staff(极品仗)

伟人奇袭者套装(猎人) [item 16845]=Giantstalker′s Breastplate [item 16846]=Giantstalker′s Helmet [item 16847]=Giantstalker′s Leggings [item 16848]=Giantstalker′s Epaulets [item 16849]=Giantstalker′s Boots [item 16850]=Giantstalker′s Bracers [item 16851]=Giantstalker′s Belt [item 16852]=Giantstalker′s Gloves

毫光兵士套装 [item 16722]=Lightforge Bracers [item 16723]=Lightforge Belt [item 16724]=Lightforge Gauntlets [item 16725]=Lightforge Boots [item 16726]=Lightforge Breastplate [item 16727]=Lightforge Helm [item 16728]=Lightforge Legplates [item 16729]=Lightforge Spaulders

先知套装 [item 16811]=Boots of Prophecy [item 16812]=Gloves of Prophecy [item 16813]=Circlet of Prophecy [item 16814]=Pants of Prophecy [item 16815]=Robes of Prophecy [item 16816]=Mantle of Prophecy [item 16817]=Girdle of Prophecy [item 16819]=Vambraces of Prophecy

卓然套装(牧师) [item 16919]=Boots of Transcendence [item 16920]=Handguards of Transcendence [item 16921]=Halo of Transcendence [item 16922]=Leggings of Transcendence [item 16923]=Robes of Transcendence [item 16924]=Pauldrons of Transcendence [item 16925]=Belt of Transcendence [item 16926]=Bindings of Transcendence

灭亡套装 [item 14620]=Deathbone Girdle [item 14621]=Deathbone Sabatons [item 14622]=Deathbone Gauntlets [item 14623]=Deathbone Legguards [item 14624]=Deathbone Chestplate

狂风套装(紫)萨满 [item 16943]=Bracers of Ten Storms [item 16944]=B