
来源:网络 作者:青田花姑娘 0



《火炬之光》有三职业可选,分别是:战(Destroyer) 、法(Alchemist)、弓(Vanquisher)





三系技能分别是Berserker 、Titan和Spectral



Slash AttackSlashes all foes in front of you with all equipped weapons小范围群杀技,打击正前面所有敌军。 * Mana cost: {6|7|...} 耗蓝,逐级增加。下同。 * Inflicts {86|93|...}% of Weapon DPS * +{50|45|...}% Interrupt Chance 此技能使用中有可能被打断。逐级递减。


Dual Wielding(Passive) Improves damage of all weapons when dual-wielding 被动技能。增加双挥武器时的伤害。老K:不影响命中?加成不多。 * {6|...}% Damage Bonus when Dual Wielding


Stampede A brutal forward dash that damages all foes in its path小范围群杀,冲刺。 * Mana cost: {14|...} * Cooldown: 1 second(s) * +{25-42|...} Damage * +{15} Knockback * Inflicts {84|...}% of Weapon DPS


Adventurer(Passive) Improves the potency of potions, increases the rate of Experience and Fame gain, and reduces resurrection penalties. 被动技能。改善喝药效果、增加经验和名声的获取速度、降低死亡后复活的惩罚。 * {2|...}% Increased Experience Gain * {2|...}% Increased Fame Gain * +{8|...}% Potion Effectiveness 老K:不知每级递增多少。不会10级封顶才加20%经验吧。


Offensive Spell Mastery(Passive) Increases the level of all Offensive Magic spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory. 被动技能。增加攻击型魔法的等级。 * +{1|...} to Attack Spell levels 老K:战士能玩出什么攻击型魔法?蓝够用吗?


Chain Vortex Phantasmal chains stun nearby foes 集体击晕。 * {87|...}% Chance to Stun for {3|} Seconds * Inflicts {10|...}% of Weapon DPS 老K:被动技能?没耗蓝的说明。



Spectral EchoWhile active, attacks cause a spectral echo to attack foes beyond their normal range, dealing 30% of the weapon’s DPS没懂。也许是近战型的跳弹,打一个,波及其他。余波伤害降低。 * Mana cost: {17|...} * Cooldown: {10|...} seconds * 100% Chance to Cast Spectral Echo for {30|...} Seconds -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Critical Strikes(Passive) Increases the chance and improves the damage of all critical strikes 被动技能。增加暴击率和暴击伤害。 * {12|...}% Bonus to Critical Damage * +{1|...}% Critical Hit Chance


Treasure Hunter (Passive) Increases the chance to find magic items, and the potency of enchantments. Treasure Hunters also find more gold. 被动技能:增加MF率。 * +{3|...}% Increased Gold Find * +{3|...}% Increased Magic Find


DevastateYou rush forward in a flurry of powerful attacks using all equipped melee weapons. Movement is toward the cursor, draining mana as you go.终极群杀大招。估计像WW大旋风。 * Mana cost: {25|...} per second 按秒计算耗蓝。 * Inflicts {100|...} of Weapon DPS * {10|...}% Faster Movement * -{22|...}% to Physical & Elemental Armor for 6 seconds * {27|...}% Slower Movement for 6 seconds * {12|...}% Slower Attack for 6 seconds * {12|...}% Slower Cast Speed for 6 seconds * +{56-125|...} Damage for 6 seconds



Soul RendA powerful phantasmal blade cleaves you foes召唤飞刀。武器伤害加电系伤害,附击晕概率。 * Mana cost: {7|...} * Inflicts {120|...}% of Weapon DPS * +{34|...} Electric Damage * {50|...}% Chance to Stun for 2 seconds


Titan StompBlasts all nearby foes with a shockwave that damages and knocks them back群杀技。部分武器伤害加冰系伤害。附击退效果和击晕概率。 * Mana cost: {12|...} * +{18-36|...} Ice Damage * +{25|...} Knockback * {67|...}% Chance to Stun for 2 seconds * Inflicts {70|...}% of Weapon DPS


Martial Weapons Expertise (Passive) Mastery of Swords, Axes, Maces, and Polearms 被动技能。降低近战类武器的装备需求。增加伤害。 * -{1|...} to Martial Equipment Requirements * +{4|...}% Martial Weapon Damage 老K:有些新意。能降需求。


Defensive Spell Mastery (Passive) Increases the level of all Defensive Magic Spells. Spells can be found or bought, and fall under the Spells tab in your inventory. 被动技能。增加防御型魔法的等级。 * +{1|...} to Defense Spell Levels 老K:这个应该实用。肉搏需要这个。---------------------------------------------------------------

Doomquake Strike the ground, sending burning cracks outward to pierce your foes群杀技。部分武器伤害+火系伤害+击退+点燃概率。 * Mana cost: {15|...} * +{54-63|...} Fire Damage * +{25|...} Knockback * {20|...}% Chance to Burn Target * Inflicts {70|...}% of Weapon DPS


Ranged Weapons Expertise(Passive) Mastery of Bows, Pistols, Crossbows and Rifles 被动技能。降低远程类武器的需求,增加伤害。 * -{1|...} to Ranged Equipment Requirements