
来源:网络 作者:哭泣的遗骨 0






打开你要修改的存档,注意备份,路径是16003 SAVEGAME_PARTYLIST








注意,1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID 每个人可能不一样,改的时候-1那项是不变的,另一些不是-1的你只要按正序依次写好,盾战女的最后一个升级,不是-1,是顺序中的最后一项,按照你的顺序改就好~

关于V叔,就比较简单,打开游戏控制台,输入runscript zz_dae_debug

选择jump plot

选择deep road

然后你就跳跃到了deep road


12013这个数字是代码,从下面代码表可以看出我在女盾战的装甲上加了一个属性12013 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 04 - Deflecting Joints - Defense ,其他队友装备也可这样修改

好吧~1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID中-1一般代表是凹槽,而其他的排序的数字一般都是武器或者装甲的额外属性,什么攻击力加**%,所以你看只要是这种都是排序数字,你的装备应该都有几项属性,他们会自己排成数列,你就依次往下输入好了~比如我的626226 626227 626228那么我就该把第四项属性设为626229因为他是加防御,如果他是加个凹槽的话,那就一律-1,注意在1ITEM_PROPERTY_EFFECTID,1ITEM_PROPERTY_POWER,1ITEM_PROPERTIES这三项中必须一一对应他们,比如我的他们三个的第一项都描述的是一个属性。POWER这项决定的是数值,properties是名称,EFFECTID是类型,你一定要一一对应!

力量 1000(Passive): Attribute - Strength

敏捷 1001(Passive): Attribute - Dexterity

魔法 1002(Passive): Attribute - Magic

狡诈 1003(Passive): Attribute - Cunning

灵力 1004(Passive): Attribute - Willpower

体质 1005(Passive): Attribute - Constitution

全属性+1 1006(Passive): Attribute - All

提高增加HP 1100 (Passive): Property - Health

提高增加MP 1101 (Passive): Property - Mana

提高精准 1102 (Passive): Property - Attack

提高防御 1103 (Passive): Property - Defense

提高体力 1104 (Passive): Property - Stamina

提高暴击率 1105 (Passive): Property - Critical Chance

提高暴击伤害 1106 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Critical

战斗HP自动恢复1110 (Passive): Property - Health Regen

战斗MP自动恢复1111 (Passive): Property - Mana Regen

战斗体力自动恢复1121 (Passive): Property - Stamina Regen

血魔法HP/MP转换比率 1122 (Passive): Property - Bloodmage Cost

武器攻速1123 (Passive): Property - Attack Speed

符文镶嵌槽8000 (Rune): Rune Slot


重甲 1107 (Passive): Property - Armor (Metal)

皮甲 1108 (Passive): Property - Armor (Leather)

布衣 1109 (Passive): Property - Armor (Cloth)

武器基本类型 攻击方式 与 各种限制

双手剑 3000 (Restriction): Style - Two-Handed Weapon Style

双刀流 3001 (Restriction): Style - Dual Wield Style

法杖 3002 (Restriction): Style - Staff

剑盾 3003 (Restriction): Style - Weapon and Shield Style

弓手 3004 (Restriction): Style - Archery Style



人类 3100 (Restriction): Race - Human

矮人 3101 (Restriction): Race - Dwarf

精灵 3102 (Restriction): Race - Elf

昆族 3103 (Restriction): Race - Qunari


3200 (Restriction): Attribute - Strength [Primary]

3201 (Restriction): Attribute - Dexterity [Primary]

3202 (Restriction): Attribute - Magic [Primary]

3203 (Restriction): Attribute - Cunning [Primary]

3204 (Restriction): Attribute - Willpower [Primary]

3205 (Restriction): Attribute - Constitution [Primary]

3210 (Restriction): Attribute - Strength [Secondary]

3211 (Restriction): Attribute - Dexterity [Secondary]

3212 (Restriction): Attribute - Magic [Secondary]

3213 (Restriction): Attribute - Cunning [Secondary]

3214 (Restriction): Attribute - Willpower [Secondary]

3215 (Restriction): Attribute - Constitution [Secondary]


3300 (Restriction): Player

3400 (Restriction): Follower - Anders

3401 (Restriction): Follower - Aveline

3402 (Restriction): Follower - Bethany

3403 (Restriction): Follower - Carver

3404 (Restriction): Follower - Fenris

3405 (Restriction): Follower - Isabella

3406 (Restriction): Follower - Merril

3407 (Restriction): Follower - Varric

3408 (Restriction): Follower - Sebastian


3500 (Restriction): Class - Warrior

3501 (Restriction): Class - Rogue

3502 (Restriction): Class - Mage

3510 (Restriction): Class - Warrior or Rogue

3600 (Restriction): Spec - Spirithealer

3601 (Restriction): Spec - Bloodmage

3602 (Restriction): Spec - Forcemage

3604 (Restriction): Spec - Shadow

3605 (Restriction): Spec - Duelist

3606 (Restriction): Spec - Assassin

3608 (Restriction): Spec - Templar

3609 (Restriction): Spec - Reaver

3610 (Restriction): Spec - Berserker


3700 (Restriction): Level

3701 (Restriction): Level [-2]

3702 (Restriction): Level [-4]

3703 (Restriction): Level [-6]

3704 (Restriction): Level [-8]

3705 (Restriction): Level [-10]


满HP 3800 (Restriction): Status - Full Health (……比如血瓶)

非满HP 3801 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health

满体力 3802 (Restriction): Status - Full Mana/Stamina

非满体力 3803 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Mana/Stamina

受伤 3804 (Restriction): Status - Injured (比如医疗包)

未受伤 3805 (Restriction): Status - Not Injured

战斗中 3806 (Restriction): Status – Combat

非战斗中 3807 (Restriction): Status - Not Combat

非满HP/MP3850 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health OR Not Full Mana/Stamina

非满HP/受伤 3851 (Restriction): Status - Not Full Health OR Injured


战士单手5000 (Base Item): Weapon - Warrior - One-Handed

战士双手5100 (Base Item): Weapon - Warrior - Two-Handed

盗贼双武5200 (Base Item): Weapon - Rogue - Dual Wield

盗贼弓5300 (Base Item): Weapon - Rogue - Bow

法师杖5400 (Base Item): Weapon - Mage - Staff

重甲5500 (Base Item): Armor - Heavy

中甲5501 (Base Item): Armor - Medium

轻甲5502 (Base Item): Armor - Light

项链5600 (Base Item): Accessory - Amulet

戒指5610 (Base Item): Accessory - Ring

腰带5620 (Base Item): Accessory - Belt

物品等级 (卖商店值多少钱,图标的颜色)

7000 (Treasure): Rank 01 (Worthless Junk) (垃圾)

7001 (Treasure): Rank 02 (Broken Weapons)

7002 (Treasure): Rank 03 (Cheap Gems)

7003 (Treasure): Rank 04 (Statuettes)

7004 (Treasure): Rank 05 (Health Potions)

7005 (Treasure): Rank 06 (Standard Gems)

7006 (Treasure): Rank 07 (Bag of Coins)

7007 (Treasure): Rank 08 (Expensive Gems)

7008 (Treasure): Rank 09 (Unique Items)

7009 (Treasure): Rank 10 (Priceless Gems) (昂贵的宝石)

7999 (Treasure): Worthless (forced 1cp) (这个不是最值钱,是只有1铜币)


物理 1113 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Physical

火 1114 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Fire

冰 1115 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Cold

点 1116 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Electrical

自然 1117 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Nature

精神 1118 (Passive): Property - Damage Factor - Spirit

1119 (Passive): Property - Healing Done

1120 (Passive): Property - Healing Taken


火抗 1200 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Fire

冰抗 1201 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Cold

电抗 1202 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Electricity

自然抗 1203 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Nature

精神抗 1204 (Passive): Resistance - Elemental - Spirit

物理伤害抗性1205 (Passive): Resistance - Damage

法伤抗性 1210 (Passive): Resistance - Magic

冲击抗性 1211 (Passive): Resistance - Force


物理 2000 (On-Hit): Damage - Physical

物理AOE2001 (On-Hit): Damage - Physical(AOE)

火 2002 (On-Hit): Damage - Fire

火AOE 2003 (On-Hit): Damage - Fire (AOE)

冰 2004 (On-Hit): Damage - Cold

冰AOE 2005 (On-Hit): Damage - Cold (AOE)

电 2006 (On-Hit): Damage - Electricity

电AOE 2007 (On-Hit): Damage - Electricity (AOE)

自然 2008 (On-Hit): Damage - Nature

自然AOE2009 (On-Hit): Damage - Nature (AOE)

精神 2010 (On-Hit): Damage - Spirit

精神AOE2011 (On-Hit): Damage - Spirit (AOE)


击退 2100 (On-Hit): Chance to Knockback

眩晕 2101 (On-Hit): Chance to Stun

减速 2102 (On-Hit): Chance to Reduce Speed

魅惑? 2201 (On-Hit): Chance to Charm

人肉炸弹 2202 (On-Hit): Chance to inflict Walking Bomb

生命吸取 2204 (On-Hit): Life Leach

能量吸取 2205 (On-Hit): Energy Leach

沉默 2206 (On-Hit): Dispel


虚弱毒药 2300 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Debilitating Poison

鸦毒 2301 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Crow Venom

死亡之足毒药2302 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Deathroot Toxin

奥法毒剂 2303 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Arcane Poison

Fel毒药 2304 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Poison - Fel-Poison


对人 2400 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Humans

对昆族 2401 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Qunari

对不死与恶魔2402 (On-Hit): Bonus Damage to Demons/Undead

对黑灵 2450 [(On-Hit)-[Internal]): Bonus Damage to Darkspawn


免疫暴击 9000 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Critical Hits (——!)

免疫包抄 9001 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Flanking

免疫眩晕 9002 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Stun

免疫击退 9003 (Special): Armor - Immunity - Knockback

更多经验 9102 (Special): Armor - Increase player XP

增加威胁 9104 (Special): Armor - Decrease Theat

回避陷阱 9106 (Special): Armor - Trap Evasion

提高解除陷阱能力9107 (Special): Armor - Improved Disarm

提高开锁 9108 (Special): Armor - Improved Lockpicking

刺盾 9109 (Special): Armor - Spiked Shield

逃脱 9110 (Special): Armor - Escape

幸运 9111 (Special): Armor - Lucky (干嘛的?)


发动终结技! 9100 (Special): Weapon - Increase chance of Deathblow (是一定概率)

这是啥? 9101 (Special): Weapon - Increased Gore

增加威胁 9103 (Special): Weapon - Increase Theat

无视对方位置 9105 (Special): Weapon - Attacks Ignore Displacement

9112 (Special): Celestial

9115 (Special): Evolving

无视护甲 9113 (Special): Weapon - Attacks Ignore Armor


增加金钱掉落 9114 (Special): Accessory - Increased Gold drop

毁灭符文9200 (Special-[Internal]): Rune of Devastation

无畏符文9201 (Special-[Internal]): Rune of Valiance

上古Lyrium符文9202 (Special-[Internal]): Primeval Lyrium Rune


物理 10000 (Damage Type): Physical

火 10001 (Damage Type): Fire

冰 10002 (Damage Type): Cold

电 10004 (Damage Type): Electricity

自然 10005 (Damage Type): Nature

精神 10006 (Damage Type): Spirit


战士攻势眩晕 11100 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Warrior - Offensive Stun

战士攻势伤害 11101 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Warrior - Offensive Damage

法师物理杖伤害 11102 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Physical

法师物火杖伤害 11103 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Fire

法师物冰杖伤害 11104 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Cold

法师物电杖伤害 11105 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Electricity

法师物自然杖伤害11106 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Nature

法师物心灵杖伤害11107 (On-Hit-[Internal]): Mage - Elemental Weapons - Spirit


6001 (Heraldry): Amell Family

6002 (Heraldry): Antivan Crows

6004 (Heraldry): Chantry

6005 (Heraldry): Dalish Elves

6006 (Heraldry): Dwarven Carta

6008 (Heraldry): Ferelden

6009 (Heraldry): Grey Wardens

6010 (Heraldry): Harimann Family

6011 (Heraldry): Kirkwall

6013 (Heraldry): Merchants Guild

6014 (Heraldry): Orlais

6015 (Heraldry): Qunari

6016 (Heraldry): Red Icon Mercenaries

6017 (Heraldry): Resolutionists

6018 (Heraldry): Starkhaven

6019 (Heraldry): Templars

6020 (Heraldry): Tevinter Slavers

6021 (Heraldry): The Coterie

6022 (Heraldry): The Winters


12000 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 01 - Spirit Essence - Magic Resistance

12001 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 02 - Armor Struts - Armor

12002 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 03 - Underground Sigil --- Rune

12003 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Anders 04 - Lyrium Weave - Attack

12010 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 01 - Underpadding - Attack

12011 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 02 - Flex-Chain --- Rune

12012 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 03 - Impact Plating - Armor

12013 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Aveline 04 - Deflecting Joints - Defense

12020 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Bethany 01 - Protective Sigil --- Magic Resist

12030 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Carver 01 - Girded Plating --- Armor

12040 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 01 - Reinforced Straps --- Attack

12041 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 02 - Enchanted Resin --- Rune

12042 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 03 - Lyrium Scales--- Rune

12043 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Fenris 04 - Tevinter Spirit Runes --- Rune

12050 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 01 - Lambswool Insoles - Critical Strike Chance

12051 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 02 - Rigid Boning --- Defense

12052 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 03 - Boiled Leather Plates --- Rune

12053 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Isabela 04 - Supportive Corselet --- Rune

12060 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 01 - Carved Ironwood Buttons- Health

12061 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 02 - Samite Lining --- Rune

12062 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 03 - Silver-threaded Dalish Embroidery - Health Regen

12063 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Merril 04 - Halla Horn Buckles --- Rune

12070 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 01 - Coat Lining --- Attack

12071 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 02 - Inscribed Leather Harness --- Rune

12072 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 03 - Silverite-reinforced Buckles --- Rune

12073 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Varric 04 - Drakeskin Leg Straps --- Rune

12080 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 01 - Reinforced Bracers -- Increased Attack

12081 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 02 - Mail Undertunic --- Crit Strike %

12082 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 03 - Enhanced Articulation --- Rune

12083 (Passive-[Internal]): Upgrade - Sebastian 04 - Protection of the Faith --- Rune

100000 (Item Set): Default











选择你要改的人的名字的项,下同16209,然后是163 SAVEGAME_ABILITYLIST为技能修改面








101000 - Weapon and Shield; 102000 - Two-Handed; 103000 - Vanguard; 104000 - Defender

105000 - Warmonger; 106000 - Battle Master; 107000 - Templar; 109000 - Reaver; 110000 - Berserker


201000 - Dual Weapon; 202000 - Archery; 203000 - Sabotage; 204000 - Specialist

205000 - Scoundrel; 206000 - Subterfuge; 207000 - Shadow; 208000 - Duelist; 210000 - Assassin


301000 - Elemental; 302000 - Primal; 303000 - Spirit; 304000 - Arcane; 305000 - Entropy

306000 - Creation; 307000 - Force Mage; 308000 - Spirit Healer; 309000 - Blood Mage

Companion Character subclasses:

111000 - Guardian (Aveline); and 112000 - Tevinter Fugitive (Fenris)

211000 - Swashbuckler (Isabela); and 212000 - Marksman (Varric)

311000 - Vengence (Anders); and 312000 - Dalish Pariah (Merrill)

DLC Companion Character subclasses, currently limited to:

213000 - Royal Archer (Sebastian)

See below to reference specific talents within each tree.

Warrior Talent Trees Edit

Weapon and Shield - 101000 tree (101001 base talent point)

Shield Bash - 101010

Pummel - 101011

Assault - 101020

Battery - 101021

Scatter - 101030

Disperse - 101031

Shield Defense - 101040

Shield Wall - 101041

Perception - 101050

Safegaurd - 101060

Two-Handed - 102000 tree (102001 base talent point)

Mighty Blow - 102010

Shattering Blow - 102011

Killer Blow - 102012

Scythe - 102020

Reaper - 102021

Whirlwind - 102030

Tornado - 102031

Cyclone - 102032

Giant’s Reach - 102040

Sunder - 102050

Vanguard - 103000 tree (103001 base talent point)

Cleave - 103010

Claymore - 103011

Assail - 103020

Besiege - 103021

Control - 103030

Command - 103031

Might - 103040

Muscle - 103041

Destroyer - 103050

Massacre - 103060

Defender - 104000 tree (104001 base talent point)

Stonewall - 104010

Bulwark - 104011

Turn the Blade - 104020

Raise the Guard - 104021

Steady the Foot - 104022

Elemental Aegis - 104030

Elemental Shroud - 104031

Adament - 104040

Resilience - 104050

Resolute - 104060

Warmonger - 105000 tree (105001 base talent point)

Taunt - 105010

Bellow - 105011

Pommel Strike - 105020

Pommel Blow - 105021

Tremor - 105030

Quake - 105031

Aftershock - 105032

Bravery - 105040

Bravado - 105041

Bravura - 105042

Battlemaster - 106000 tree (106001 base talent point)

Rally - 106010

Unite - 106011

Bolster - 106020

Second Wind - 106030

Last Push - 106031

Deep Breath - 106032

Battle Synergy - 106040

Fearless Synergy - 106041

Hero’s Synergy - 106042

Deep Reserves - 106050

Templar - 107000 tree (107001 base talent point)

Holy Smite - 107010

Righteous Smite - 107011

Staggering Smite - 107012

Cleanse - 107020

Cleansing Wave - 107021

Lasting Cleanse - 107022

Silence - 107030

Lingering Silence 107031

Righteous Strike - 107040

Annulment - 107050

Reaver - 109000 tree (109001 base talent point)

Devour - 109010

Voracious - 109011

Insatiable - 109012

Sacrificial Frenzy - 109020

Sustained Frenzy - 109021

Aura of Pain - 109030

Frenzy of Pain - 109031

Torrent of Pain - 109032

Blood Frenzy - 109040

Fervor - 109050

Berserker - 110000 tree (110001 base talent point)

Adrenaline - 110010

Adrenaline Rage - 110011

Adrenaline Rush - 110012

Barrage - 110020

Unrelenting Barrage - 110021

Resilient Barrage - 110022

Berserk - 110030

Endless Berserk - 110031

Savage Berserk - 110032

Death Blow - 110040

Rogue Talent Trees Edit

Dual Weapon - 201000 tree (201001 base talent point)

Backstab - 201010

Perforate - 201011

Murder - 201012

Explosive Strike - 201020

Merciless Strike - 201021

Twin Fang - 201030

Reversed Grip - 201031

Lacerate - 201040

Maim - 201041

Unforgiving Chain - 201050

Archery - 202000 tree (202001 base talent point)

Pinning Shot - 202010

Rapid Pinning Shot - 202011

Disorienting Shot - 202012

Bursting Arrow - 202020

Shattering Arrow - 202021

Smoking Arrow - 202022

Archer’s Lance - 202030

Punishing Lance - 202031

Hail of Arrows - 202040

Storm of Arrows - 202041

Sabotage - 203000 tree (203001 base talent point)

Rush - 203010

Charge - 203011

Blitz - 203012

Miasmic Flask - 203020

Improved Formula - 203021

Fatiguing Fog - 203030

Overpowering Fog - 203031

Impenetrable Fog - 203032

Confusion - 203040

Chaos - 203041

Specialist - 204000 tree (204001 base talent point)

Speed - 204010

Lightening Speed - 204011

Energizing Speed - 204012

Precision - 204020

Precise Attack - 204021

Precise Criticals - 204022

Power - 204030

Stunning Power - 204031

Slashing Power - 204032

Harmony - 204040

Scoundrel - 205000 tree (205001 base talent point)

Goad - 205010

Corral - 205011

Back-to-Back - 205020

Invisible Friend - 205021

Armistice - 205030

Truce - 205031

Brand - 205040

Blindside - 205050

Twist the Knife - 205060

Follow-through - 205070

Subterfuge - 206000 tree (206001 base talent point)

Stealth - 206010

Silent Running - 206011

Camouflage - 206012

Evade - 206020

Tactical Withdrawal - 206021

Chameleon’s Breath - 206030

Chameleon’s Cloud - 206031

Ambush - 206040

Lingering Shroud - 206050

Subtlety - 206060

Shadow - 207000 tree (207001 base talent point)

Inconspicuous - 207010

Indiscernible - 207011

Imperceptible - 207012

Decoy - 207020

Sturdy Decoy - 207021

Rigged Decoy - 207022

Pinpoint Precision - 207030

Disorienting Criticals - 207040

Predator - 207050

Shadow Veil - 207060

Duelist - 208000 tree (208001 base talent point)

Vendetta - 208010

Blood Feud - 208011

Throw the Gauntlet - 208020

To the Death - 208021

Cutting Barbs - 208022

Parry - 208030

Riposte - 208031

En Garde - 208032

Sure Strikes - 208040

Evasive Maneuvers - 208050

Assassin - 210000 tree (210001 base talent point)

Pinpoint Strikes - 210010

Relentless Strikes - 210011

Assassinate - 210020

Annihilate - 210021

Overkill - 210022

Mark of Death - 210030

Enduring Mark - 210031

Mark of Doom - 210032

Devious Harm - 210040

Bloodlust - 210050

Mage Talent Trees Edit

Elemental - 301000 tree (301001 base talent point)

Winter’s Grasp - 301010

Winter’s Blast - 301011

Cone of Cold - 301020

Deep Freeze - 301021

Fireball - 301030

Searing Fireball - 301031

Firestorm - 301040

Apocalyptic Firestorm - 301041

Pyromancer - 301050

Elemental Mastery - 301060

Primal - 302000 tree (302001 base talent point)

Stonefist - 302010

Golem’s Fist - 302011

Petrify - 302020

Desiccate - 302021

Chain Lightning - 302030

Chain Reaction - 302031

Tempest - 302040

Strikes Twice - 302041

Rock Armor - 302050

Galvanism - 302060

Spirit - 303000 tree (303001 base talent point)

Spirit Bolt - 303010

Spirit Strike- 303011

Dispel Magic - 303020

Transmutation - 303021

Walking Bomb - 303030

Corrosive Walking Bomb - 303031

Virulent Walking Bomb - 303032

Death Syphon - 303040

Death Vortex - 303041

Spirt Mastery - 303050

Arcane - 304000 tree (304001 base talent point)

Mind Blast - 304010

Stunning Blast - 304011

Barrier - 304020

Arcane Fortress - 304021

Crushing Prison - 304030

Paralyzing Prison - 304031

Arcane Shield - 304040

Arcane Wall - 304041

Elemental Shield - 304042

Elemental Weapons - 304050

Entropy - 305000 tree (305001 base talent point)

Hex of Torment - 305010

Death Hex - 305011

Horror - 305020

Despair - 305021

Misdirection Hex - 305030

Shackling Hex - 305031

Sleep - 305040

Coma - 305041

Entropic Cloud 305050

Death Cloud - 305051

Creation - 306000 tree (306001 base talent point)

Glyph of Paralasys - 306010

Glyph of Binding - 306011

Heal - 306020

Greater Heal - 306021

Glyph of Repulsion - 306030

Glyph of Defiance - 306031

Haste - 306040

Great Haste - 306041

Heroic Aura - 306050

Valiant Aura - 306051

Force Mage - 307000 tree (307001 base talent point)

Pull of the Abyss - 307010

Edge of the Abyss - 307011

Telekinetic Burst - 307020

Telekinetic Blast - 307021

Fist of the Maker - 307030

Maker’s Hammer - 307031

Maker’s Fury - 307032

Gravitic Ring - 307040

Gravitic Sphere - 307041

Unshakable - 307050

Spirit Healer - 308000 tree (308001 base talent point)

Group Heal - 308010

Unity - 308011

Revival - 308020

Refusal - 308021

Renewal - 308022

Healing Aura - 308030

Faith - 308031

Radiance - 308032

Vitality - 308040

Second Chance - 308050

Blood Mage - 309000 tree (309001 base talent point)

Sacrifice - 309010

Grim Sacrifice - 309011

Hemorrhage - 309020

Paralyzing Hemorrhage - 309021

Grave Robber - 309030

One Foot In - 309031

Bloodslave - 309040

Blood Spatter - 309041

Blood Magic - 309050

Bloodlust - 309051

Companion Talents Edit

Guardian (Aveline) - 111000 (111001 base talent point)

Bodyguard - 111010

Elite Bodyguard - 111011

Retaliation - 111020

Retribution - 111021

Thick Skin - 111030

Serve And Protect - 111040

Watchful Eye - 111050

Immovable - 111060

Unstoppable - 111061

Indomitable - 111070

Tevinter Fugitive (Fenris) - 112000 (112001 base talent point)

Spirit Pulse - 112010

Spirit Flux - 112011

Lyrium Ghost - 112020

Lyrium Specter - 112021

Deflect - 112030

Kindred Spirits - 112040

Enemy of my Enemy - 112050

Veneer of Calm - 112060

Battle Tempo - 112070

Inner Reserves - 112080

Swashbuckler (Isabela) - 211000 (211001 base talent point)

All Hands On Deck - 211010

Shore Leave - 211011

Savvy - 211020

Buccaneer’s Savvy - 211021

Sea Legs - 211030

Thumbs Up - 211040

Stick in the Mud - 211050

Across the Bow - 211060

Below the Waterline - 211061

Experienced Hand - 211070

Marksman (Varric) - 212000 (212001 base talent point)

Rhyming Triplet - 212010

Nameless Graces - 212011

Kickback - 212020

Backlash - 212021

Well-Oiled - 212030

Authorized Biographer - 212040

Unauthorized Biographer - 212050

Bianca’s Song - 212060

Embellishment - 212061

Overtime - 212070

Vengeance (Anders) - 311000 (311001 base talent point)

Martyr - 311010

Vengeance - 311020

Wrath - 311021

Swift Justice - 311030

Blood of my Enemy - 311040

Eye to Eye - 311050

No Compromises - 311060

Panacea - 311070

Aid Allies - 311080

Regroup - 311090

Dalish Pariah (Merrill) - 312000 (312001 base talent point)

Ensnare - 312010

Stone’s Throw - 312020

Wrath of the Elvhen - 312030

Arlathan’s Grace - 312031

Loss of the Dales - 312032

Solidarity - 312040

Outcast - 312050

Blood of the First - 312060

Wounds of the Past - 312070

DLC Companion Talents Edit

Royal Archer (Sebastian) - 213000 (213001 base talent point)

Requires The Exiled Prince DLC

Arrow of Judgement - 213010

Wounding Arrow - 213020

Debilitating Arrow - 213021

Righteous Chain - 213030

Disciple’s Discipline - 213040

Man of the Cloth - 213050

Man of the Crown - 213060

Holy Precision - 213070

Guardian Angel - 213080

Maferath’s Advance - 213090


控制台的是runscript appearance # 这个#是代码

runscript appearance 12030变成Qunari.


-- List of Appearance #’s --

15 PC - Human, Male 16 PC - Human, Female 17 PC Home - Human, Male 18 PC Home- Human, Female 1000 Follower - Anders 1001 Follower - Anders - Dark 1010 Follower - Aveline 1011 Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard 1012 Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard Captain 1020 Follower - Bethany 1021 Follower - Bethany - Warden 1022 Follower - Bethany - Circle Mage 1023 Follower - Bethany - Fake 1030 Follower - Carver 1031 Follower - Carver - Warden 1032 Follower - Carver - Templar Knight 1040 Follower - Fenris 1041 Follower - Fenris 1050 Follower - Isabela 1051 Follower - Isabela 1060 Follower - Merril 1061 Follower - Merril - Secondary 1070 Follower - Varric 1071 Follower - Varric - Upgraded 1072 Follower - Varric (No Crossbow) 1080 Follower - Dog (Summon) 10000 NPC - Unique - Flemeth 10002 NPC - Unique - Cassandra 10003 NPC - Unique - Orsino 10004 NPC - Unique - Qunari Slave Mage 10005 NPC - Unique - Bartrand 10006 NPC - Unique - Alistair, King 10007 NPC - Unique - Meredith 10008 NPC - Unique - Zombie Mom 11000 NPC - Unique - Flemeth (Dragon) 12000 NPC - Human, Male 12001 NPC - Human, Female 12002 NPC - Human, Male (Child) 12003 NPC - Human, Female (Child) 12010 NPC - Dwarf, Male 12020 NPC - Elf, Male 12021 NPC - Elf, Female 12030 NPC - Qunari, Male 12031 NPC - Qunari, Male - Unibody 20100 Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock (Trooper) 20101 Creature - Darkspawn - Darkspawn Emissary (Devastator) 20102 Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock with cross-bow (Trooper) 20103 Creature - Darkspawn - Ogre (Bruiser) 20200 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Giant (Trooper) 20201 Creature - Beasts - Mabari (Trooper) 20202 Creature - Beasts - Dragonling (Trooper) 20203 Creature - Beasts - Dragon (sub-Boss) 20204 Creature - Beasts - High Dragon (Devastator) 20205 Creature - Beasts - Strider (Boss) 20206 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Poisonous (Trooper) 20207 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Corrupted (Trooper) 20208 Creature - Beasts - Spider, Monstrous (Boss) 20209 Creature - Beasts - Double Dragon (Boss) 20300 Creature - Carta - Assasin (Assassin) 20301 Creature - Carta - Thug (Trooper) 20400 Creature - Mages - Circle Highmage (Devastator) 20401 Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Male (Trooper) 20402 Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Male (Trooper) 20403 Creature - Mages - Apostate (Trooper) 20404 Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Female (Trooper) 20405 Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Female (Trooper) 20500 Creature - Coterie - Alchemist (Devastator) 20501 Creature - Coterie - Member (Assassin) 20502 Creature - Coterie - Thug - Male (Trooper) 20503 Creature - Coterie - Archer - Male (Trooper) 20504 Creature - Coterie - Thug - Female (Trooper) 20505 Creature - Coterie - Archer - Female (Trooper) 20600 Creature - Dalish - Assassin (Assassin) 20601 Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Male (Trooper) 20602 Creature - Dalish - Archer - Male (Trooper) 20603 Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Female (Trooper) 20604 Creature - Dalish - Archer - Female (Trooper) 20800 Creature - Demon - Abomination (Trooper) 20801 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon (Bruiser) 20802 Creature - Demon - Desire Demon (Commander) 20803 Creature - Demon - Rage Demon (Assassin) 20804 Creature - Demon - Shade (Trooper) 20805 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon B (Bruiser) 20806 Creature - Demon - Pride Demon C (Bruiser) 20900 Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian (Boss) 20901 Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian Slave (Trooper) 20902 Creature - Golems - Stone Golem (Boss) 21000 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Commander (Commander) 21001 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male (Trooper) 21002 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male Archer (Trooper) 21003 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Female (Trooper) 21004 Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard Archer - Female (Trooper) 21200 Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V1 (Trooper) 21201 Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V2 (Trooper) 21202 Creature - Profane - Rock Wraith (Boss) 21300 Creature - Qunari - Arishock (Boss) 21301 Creature - Qunari - General (Commander) 21302 Creature - Qunari - Thralled Mage (Devastator) 21303 Creature - Qunari - Warrior (Trooper) 21304 Creature - Qunari - Archer (Trooper) 21400 Creature - Raiders - Assassin (Assassin) 21401 Creature - Raiders - Raider - Male (Trooper) 21402 Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Male (Trooper) 21403 Creature - Raiders - Archer - Male (Trooper) 21404 Creature - Raiders - Raider - Female (Trooper) 21405 Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Female (Trooper) 21406 Creature - Raiders - Archer - Female (Trooper) 21500 Creature - Templars - Meredith (Boss) 21501 Creature - Templars - Seeker (Assassin) 21502 Creature - Templars - Templar - Male (Trooper) 21503 Creature - Templars - Templar Captain (Commander) 21504 Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Male (Trooper) 21505 Creature - Templars - Templar - Female (Trooper) 21506 Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Female (Trooper) 21600 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver (Trooper) 21601 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver Mage (Devastator) 21602 Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver - Female (Trooper) 21700 Creature - Thugs - Street Thug (Trooper) 21701 Creature - Thugs - Street Thug - Female (Trooper) 21800 Creature - Undead - Arcane Horror (Devastator) 21801 Creature - Undead - Revenant (Commander) 21802 Creature - Undead - Corpse (Trooper) 21803 Creature - Undead - Corpse Archer (Trooper) 21804 Creature - Undead - Harvester Head (Boss) 21805 Creature - Undead - Harvester (Boss) 22000 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Male (Trooper) 22001 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Male (Trooper) 22002 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Female (Trooper) 22003 Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Female (Trooper) 23000 Creature - Invisible - Human Male 30000 Ambient NPC - Buzzard Gliding 30001 Ambient NPC - Buzzard Perch 40000 Cinematics - Flemeth 50800 Follower - Sebastian Vael